process Looking for ‘Looking for Love’ It’s time we all stopped pretending we make perfect work that turns out just as we planned. This is an honest documentation of a process which taught us a lot.
environmental sustainability The Strategy Room 2/3: delivery From May 2022 to March 2023, Fast Familiar’s main focus was a climate action public engagement project called The Strategy Room. This blog documents its structure and delivery context.
Making interactive theatre Theatre without actors: alternative audience interfaces in interactive theatre How to communicate with audiences in different ways - here are some practical exercises to start thinking about alternative sensory channels.
Making interactive theatre Do’s and Don’ts of making audience-centric theatre Here’s some pointers on how to devise theatre and look after the audience while you’re putting them at the centre of what you’re creating.
the ethics of interactive theatre What is the responsibility of the artist? Audience-centric theatre outside its comfort zone A ‘literature review’ of audience-centric work that sits outside the comfort zone, including artworks by Davis Freeman and Jamal Harewood that are some of the most powerful experiences I’ve had in theatres.
the ethics of interactive theatre Preparing for the worst: the Chaos list (what to do when theatre goes wrong) The Chaos List is a way of preparing for theatre going wrong - and having a plan for when it does. Like every scout knows, the key is to Be Prepared.
the ethics of interactive theatre With great power comes great responsibility: the ethics of interactive theatre How should we care for audiences, what are theatre companies responsible for, and what do we discover when we start asking questions about the ethics of interactive theatre?
Role of the audience The power to choose: adventures with interactive audiences In traditional theatre, the audience’s main job is to watch. But when you’re making experiences for interactive audiences, there’s a whole lot more to consider.
interactive theatre and technology It's a kind of magic: multimedia theatre and digital performance The how and why of multimedia theatre - and a few tips on what we’ve learned while making digital performance (face-to-face and online).
immersive theatre The Ultimate Guide to Immersive Theatre: nearly everything you need to know This ultimate guide covers the important aspects of immersive theatre for audience members and aspiring theatre-makers. Get curious in a deep dive with Fast Familiar.
collaborator interview Collaborator interview: Clemence Debaig In the first of our collaborator profiles/ interviews, Joe and I caught up with artist Clemence Debaig, who we worked with on The Curse of the Burial Dagger.
audience What language please What happens if you apply start-up logic to being an arts organisation? Turns out that looking at what you do through the lens of another sector shows up the baggage you're carrying.
audience centric Putting the play into theatre What do we really mean when we talk about playable theatre, immersive theatre, interactive theatre and the like? And what do we hope to get from works in these categories?
access Describe your current appearance in one sentence... When Rachel chaired a panel recently, she asked speakers to describe their appearances for the audio transcription. It was really hard. Here, she and Al try to unpick why – and how to change that.
process New forms, old boxes So theatres are shut - I don’t know if you’d noticed. Some people are making for a new architecture - the internet. But do we have the language to talk about these new forms?